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Stop dipping for good with DipQuit

Join thousands of other users and download the most popular app on the market to quit smokeless tobacco. Available for iOS and Android!

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Track Your Quit

See all of your quit stats in one place with DipQuit. We take care of keeping track of your days quit, money saved, dips saved, and much more. All you have to worry about is the mental game against nicotine.

Track Your Health

Dipping is an awful habit for you. One of the main benefits of quitting is being healthier overall. With DipQuit, keep track of how your health is progressing in response to nicotine cessation.

Achieve Milestones

One of the ways we keep you motivated during tough times is by offering milestones. We will send notifications to your mobile device when you hit major milestones like 10 days quit, 100 dips saved, and many more.

Live Chat

Quitting by yourself is tough. When you surround yourself with other people quitting, it makes it much easier. DipQuit Chat allows you to communicate with thousands of other quitters where you can ask questions, share experiences, get encouragment, and much more.

Gradual Quit

With DipQuit, you have the option of quitting gradually or cold turkey. With gradual quits, DipQuit's algorithm winds your dip usage down over time ensuring you quit for good.

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